Virtuésse by American Hairlines makes it easy to create a completely natural transition from partial to full hair replacement. 100% real human hair wigs take the revolutionary Virtuésse system one step further to resolve hair loss due to chemotherapy and complete hair loss. It's real, lush hair that's effortless to take care of. With natural hair growth patterns, an ultra-thin base, and no bumps or ridges, a Virtuésse real human hair wig is undetectable -- even to the touch!
With more than 80 years of combined experience, our Elite Team of Professionals understands the anxiety and uncertainty when it comes to thinning hair and hair loss. We provide every Elite Guest with a free evaluation to ensure we accurately assess your hair loss, answer your questions, and give you valuable information on your restorative options. Providing the right solution for you is our goal and we want to exceed your expectations! We know that we are not just restoring beautiful hair—we’re restoring your self-esteem, confidence, and image! Take action on your hair loss today by scheduling your free confidential consultation appointment.