causes of hair men

Causes of Men's Hair Loss

This is hair loss 101, and it's a prerequisite to fixing your hair loss. You can't make a well-informed decision about restoration without understanding exactly what's happening to your hair. When you know which methods reverse which causes, you can decide the outcomes that you want and communicate your expectations to our team.

Hair Loss Solutions for Men

At Elite Hair Loss Solutions, we're constantly testing new technologies and updating our products and services to ensure that we give our Elite Guests the very finest non-surgical men's hair replacement solutions available anywhere in the world. Our job is to make the very latest innovations available to you, not only because it’s a source of pride, but also because we sincerely care about the image of each and every one of our Elite Guests.

In all modesty, our wide variety of hair loss solutions simply blows away all of our competition here in Sacramento! Options are always good, because everyone’s needs are unique. To put it in guy’s terms… we offer everything here at Elite Hair Loss Solutions from a Camaro to a Lamborghini! That first step to addressing your hair loss is always the toughest; whether you are a hair replacement system veteran, or you are brand new to non-surgical hair replacement, once you experience our products and services, you will realize that you’ve made the right choice with the hair restoration experts at Elite Hair Loss Solutions.

Schedule Your Free CONSULTATION

With more than 80 years of combined experience, our Elite Team of Professionals understands the anxiety and uncertainty when it comes to thinning hair and hair loss. We provide every Elite Guest with a free evaluation to ensure we accurately assess your hair loss, answer your questions, and give you valuable information on your restorative options. Providing the right solution for you is our goal and we want to exceed your expectations! We know that we are not just restoring beautiful hair—we’re restoring your self-esteem, confidence, and image! Take action on your hair loss today by scheduling your free confidential consultation appointment.


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