Transformations Top Pieces by Raquel Welch
For hair loss in the crown, or along the part, Raquel Welch Transformation Topper pieces are an ideal hair loss solution. With a variety of fiber types, lengths colors, and price ranges you can imagine the possibilities…
Women of any age can experience hair loss, and there are numerous potential causes. Whether you are in the early or moderate stages of hair loss, today’s emphasis on fashion, beauty, and image can be challenging for anyone. Hair integration or enhancements are becoming more mainstream and socially accepted simply because quality hair replacement products have become more advanced.
The worldwide leader for over 20 years in wigs and hair accessories delivers yet again! Raquel Welch now brings you Transformations – a collection of exquisite top pieces that can totally transform your image and the self-confidence that comes with stunning hair. Raquel’s Synthetic Transformations comes in a wide variety of lengths and features Tru 2 Life Synthetic Friendly Hair and Vibralite Shades.
A Message from Raquel
Women of all ages can experience thinning hair or even balding patches. It’s quite common… even more so than you might think. As we age, our hair naturally thins. My hair isn’t quite as thick as it used to be and in order to maintain my image, I wear hair enhancements for many of my personal occasions and professional events. Top piece additions enable me to stay confident and fashionable while in the public eye. My Transformations Collection includes a wide variety of stylish hair loss solutions. By making so many options available to you, it’s easy to find the absolute perfect style to ensure that you have beautiful results.
Best Wishes,
Your Hair Loss Matters to Us!
No matter the progression of your hair loss, Raquel Welch and the professionals at Elite Hair Loss Solutions have the right solutions for you. The Raquel Welch Transformations Synthetic Hair Topper Collection includes a wide variety of styles, lengths, colors, and options. Here’s what sets the Transformations Collection apart:
- 32 Vibralite Shades
- 25 Tru2Life Heat Friendly Hair Fiber Shades
- Monofilament Top
- Sheer Indulgence Lace Front Top
- Sheer Lines Front Monofilament Part
- Budget Friendly
Featured Transformations Toppers
The Right Solution from Elite Professionals
Is a Raquel Welch Transformations Synthetic Hair Topper the right hair loss solution for you? Perhaps, but your Elite Image consultant will go over various non-surgical restorative options that pertain to you, and they will help you determine the right course of action for your hair loss. Contact Elite Hair Loss Solutions today to schedule your complimentary no-obligation human topper consultation. They are FREE, but by appointment only. No matter where you are with your hair loss, Elite Hair Loss Solutions has an answer for you!