Our Successful History With Laser Hair Therapy

In 2005, Elite Hair Loss Solutions was the very first hair loss center in Sacramento to offer Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to hair loss sufferers. We’ve seen first-hand its effectiveness in assisting our Elite Guests with various scalp disorders as well as those in the early to moderate stages of hair loss. While the class 3A cold laser light technology of the time was excellent and beneficial (and is still widely used today) our industry was somewhat limited in what we could provide as low-dose Minoxidil was really the only other formulation we could use in conjunction with laser treatments.

Thankfully, advancements in Trichology and scientifically developed, holistic based products have replaced such pharmaceuticals. This has given us the ability to recommend personalized situational protocols, instead of a one size fits all regimen for everyone. We continue to enthusiastically offer LLLT to this day, however we now have so many more tools at our disposal to combat hair loss and provide relief from wide-ranging scalp issues. Our TricoGlam Laser Hair Therapy, Trichology products, and Scalp Treatments are today’s ultimate trifecta of tools in addressing hair loss and scalp health concerns.

How Does TricoGlam Work & What’s the Difference?

There are many laser hair therapy devices available, but they are most certainly not created equal. What’s differentiates them? Perfect LED laser diodes! Other laser devices on the market offer a mix of traditional laser diodes and limited LED’s which provides a somewhat limited coverage and light energy penetration ability. A single TricoGlam LED diode provides enough disbursement coverage to treat hundreds of follicles! TricoGlam was created by scientists, not engineers and utilizes 100% LED diodes which provide for complete scalp coverage during treatment and so much more!

TricoGlam laser treatments produce photobiostimulation that actively rejuvenates on cellular level producing optimal low intensity irradiation that drastically improves the chemical, physical and metabolic processes in the target tissues with almost zero temperature changes. TricoGlam reactivates the metabolic processes within cells, and improves microcirculation and nourishment delivery to the follicle. The LED light radiation is assimilated by the cells and converted into energy inside the mitochondria.

tricoglam led laser diodes

TricoGlam is the only device on the market to feature 100% LEDs that produce uniform light distribution energy at a 120 degree disbursement at precise optimal wavelengths that allow for treatment of the entire scalp and the ability to penetrate the surface of your scalp to the bottom of the dermis layer where the follicle bulbs lie. This allows for maximized microcirculation in which oxygenated blood and nutrients are able to directly feed the hair follicles and get them cycled back to that much wanted active Anagen growth phase.

What Are the Benefits of Low Level Laser Light Therapy?

  • Increased Microcirculation
  • Reinvigorates the Metabolic Process
  • Improves Cellular Detoxification & Regeneration
  • Increases Lymphatic Activity
  • Improved Hair Follicle Nutrition
  • Inhibits DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
  • Collagen Synthesis Production
  • Extends the Anagen Hair Loss Phase
  • Inhibits Each Stage of Hair Loss by Years
  • Reduces Pain & Inflammation
  • Healing Acceleration
  • Thicker, Healthier Hair
  • FDA Approved!

Elite Hair Loss Solutions offers in-house TricoGlam treatments with our TricoGlam Pro device, but the TricoGlam Home use device is a portable device that allows you to enjoy treatments at home, work or wherever you may be at your convenience! Unlike other laser devices, TricoGlam is rechargeable and cordless allowing you complete freedom to move about during treatment. You can enjoy two 20 minute treatments on a single charge!

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LLLT Expertise You Can Trust!

The ability to effectively facilitate life-changing transformational results is reliant on not only having great products, but also staffing highly trained knowledgeable professionals. As an Elite Guest, you have the distinct advantage of working with Sacramento’s most experienced, licensed, and certified team of professionals with well over 100 years of combined industry experience, and specialized training in Non-surgical Hair Restoration, Trichology, and Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy. Hair loss evaluations at Elite Hair Loss Solutions are complimentary, but by appointment only. A more in-depth microscopic hair and scalp evaluation and analysis is available for a small charge.

If you are in the very early stages of hair loss or are experiencing scalp health issues, the best thing you can do is come in for a free consultation to learn about what you can do proactively to mitigate your hair & scalp issue before it progresses. Utilizing our exclusive TricoGlam laser technology with the recommended naturally based CRLAB Trichology protocols will most certainly make all the difference in optimizing your biologically growing hair. The sooner we begin, the sooner we can get your hair & scalp health heading in the right direction. Contact us today!